
Coworking with Christoph Becker

He’s chief creative officer, Whalar Group.
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Christoph Becker

3 min read

Each week, we spotlight Marketing Brew readers in our Coworking series. If you’d like to be featured, introduce yourself here.

Christoph Becker is chief creative officer of Whalar Group. Prior to that, he helped create the B2B agency Gyro, served as chairman and chief creative officer of FCB New York, and served in other roles at agencies like Bozell and Ogilvy.

Favorite project you’ve worked on? There have been so many. “See My Skin” was a campaign that I worked on for Vaseline that I was very passionate about. It was a project designed to fight systemic racism and the deep-rooted healthcare inequities that lead to misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions.

What’s your favorite ad campaign? To me, truly exceptional ad campaigns become a catalyst for positive change in society. Their impact extends far beyond driving sales or promoting a service; they actively contribute to the betterment of our world. One timeless example that deeply resonated with me because of its socially responsible impact and value is the “Like a Girl” campaign. It provided an emotional connection to viewers that instilled confidence and inspiration. Through the screen, viewers could feel empowered to embrace their strengths unapologetically.

One thing we can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile: You wouldn’t know that I’m a proud girl dad to an amazing 10-year-old daughter. We recently got back from a trip to Disney World, and it was the best experience. I’m also extremely passionate about supporting humanitarian aid efforts. I’ve been to multiple war zones and am a board member of the International Rescue Committee, a global nonprofit organization founded by Albert Einstein.

What marketing trend are you most optimistic about? Least? I’m optimistic that today, more and more people and brands are aware of their responsibilities to make a positive impact on the world and society. It’s no longer a good-to-have, it’s a must. For me, it’s been a joy to witness the proliferation of initiatives driven by a genuine commitment to build a better world for the generations to come. This type of marketing or marketer commitment didn’t exist or happen when I started in this business. But with that said, there is still so much more to do.

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I’m least optimistic about traditional advertising. Traditional advertising which has immensely changed over the past decade. Learning how cultural and social demands are driving and transforming the marketing and advertising business is key to becoming a relevant and socially responsive brand. This evolution means moving away from traditional advertising methods. Instead, it’s about fostering a deep understanding of the consumer and cultivating a value-driven community-centric approach that authentically resonates with them. By challenging teams to embrace this mindset, brands can forge genuine connections and drive humanly relevant engagement.

What’s one marketing-related podcast/social account/series you’d recommend? There are so many great, inspiring podcasts out there to help guide marketing, advertising, and the creator economy industry. But I’ve found that true insight often stems from cultural immersion. Read quality content every day, go to more museums, attend more concerts, get lost while walking through a city, and leave your phone at home—because learning and pure inspiration come from anywhere and everywhere outside our screen nurtured existence. If we want to have humanly relevant stories and content, we need to nurture from where the human relevance lives.

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