
Coworking with Glen Hilzinger

He’s chief creative officer and partner at Luquire.
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Each week, we spotlight Marketing Brew readers in our Coworking series. If you’d like to be featured, introduce yourself here.

Glen Hilzinger is chief creative officer and partner at Luquire, a Charlotte-based marketing agency. He previously worked at agencies including Leo Burnett, Doner, and J. Walter Thompson, and has worked on campaigns for companies like Amazon, Expedia, GMC, and Minute Maid.

Favorite project you’ve worked on? During Covid, we did a campaign at Luquire to persuade the residents of North Carolina to follow the national safety protocols. Thanks to our campaign, a statewide survey found that 75% of respondents reported they were more likely to wear a mask. Afterward, while we were celebrating the awards we had won, our client reminded me that what we should really be celebrating is the fact that we undoubtedly saved people’s lives. I always feel proud of the work we do, but I don’t often feel humbled by it.

What’s your favorite ad campaign? Continuing the theme of the previous question, my favorite campaign of the past few years was “The Lost Class” by Leo Burnett for Change the Ref. For me, it’s one of the purest examples of the power of creativity.

One thing we can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile: That I got lucky. LinkedIn makes us all sound like something special. Awards, titles, accomplishments, and milestones. I had the great fortune of working for some amazing mentors who deserve credit for helping me get where I am today. I have had some amazing people work for me whose smart thinking and creativity simply made me look good. Sure, I worked really hard. I put in the hours and made some good decisions. But as someone once told me, success is one part hard work and one part luck. LinkedIn only focuses on the former.

What marketing trend are you most optimistic about? Least? That I could use AI to answer this question for me.

What’s one marketing-related podcast/social account/series you’d recommend? There aren’t tons of great resources out there. But as marketers, our best resource is the world around us. Movies, news (both sides), books, history. Not to study it with an end goal, but simply to absorb it—all of it—and not just the parts we find interesting or familiar or agreeable. How many times have we sat in focus groups only to marvel at how this perfectly marvelous, seemingly unassailable creative idea doesn’t resonate with a group of consumers? My recommendation is that we all get out of our bubble and visit somebody else’s. And yes, that also includes our marketing bubble.

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Marketing Brew informs marketing pros of the latest on brand strategy, social media, and ad tech via our weekday newsletter, virtual events, marketing conferences, and digital guides.