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Meta’s big week out

And it’s not even Friday yet.
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Tatiana Antonenko/Getty Images

less than 3 min read

If it’s true that all press is good press, then whoever heads up PR at Meta is probably having a great week. Over the past few days, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company really just went ahead and said…

It is ending Bulletin, the subscription newsletter program it launched on Facebook last year: On Tuesday, your grandparents’ favorite social media platform announced that it will shutter the Substack-like service that lets writers monetize newsletters in January. Somebody go check on Malcolm Gladwell.

It is putting more ads in Facebook Reels and sharing some of the revenue with creators: Meta rolled out a handful of new ad formats on Tuesday, some of which include revenue shares for creators. It’s testing “post-loop ads” on Facebook Reels as well as image-carousel ads. Because that’s exactly what Reels (on Facebook, of all places) needs to better compete with TikTok: a billion ads.

It is downsizing its office space: Zuckerberg is smushing everyone’s desks together now? Is he okay? We aren’t even kidding. Per the WSJ, Meta will “rearrange some office layouts, clustering desks and teams together to effectively put employees in closer proximity.”

It is changing the News Feed: The company is adding “show more” and “show less” buttons to Facebook, its latest attempt to keep users scrolling. It’ll also test this function in Reels.

Bottom line: We couldn’t help but wonder…does any of the above news have anything to do with the hiring freeze Zuck told employees about last week? Hit Reply with any and all guesses.—PB

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