
Coworking with Patrick Ward

He’s VP of marketing at Formula.Monks.
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Patrick Ward

3 min read

Each week, we spotlight Marketing Brew readers in our Coworking series. If you’d like to be featured, introduce yourself here.

Patrick Ward is VP of marketing at Formula.Monks, the tech services and consulting division of the agency Media.Monks. He’s also held marketing roles at companies like Rootstrap.

Favorite project you’ve worked on? In a former life, I was a marketer for a financial institution. I was responsible for the communication and promotion around our company being the first to offer institutional bitcoin futures trading. For an Aussie who was used to seeing world-firsts occur time and time again in technology, business, and culture in the United States, this was a surreal feeling to play a small part in a world-first that brought a new emerging technology out of the shadows and into the wider public’s consciousness.

What’s your favorite ad campaign? This is a controversial one, but my heart will always go back to beer commercials in my native Australia. Alcohol is steeped in our tradition, and rightly or wrongly, it lends itself to some of the best advertising campaigns. Carlton Draught's “Big Ad” combines the best of humorous lyrics with bizarre visuals and the pomp and circumstance of “O Fortuna” (and a cheeky bit of Aussie swearing to boot).

One thing we can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile: My online life is LinkedIn, so there isn’t much you can’t guess; however, my fandom of sports knows no bounds. From American football to the Premier League, rugby and Aussie Rules to Irish hurling, cricket to the Tour de France, there is never an offseason for me.

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What marketing trend are you most optimistic about? Least? It might seem cliche to say, but AI. Having seen many a tech hype cycle, my skeptical senses always arise when the usual gurus plug the latest tech advancement, but this time, AI feels different. Why? Because everyday folks are using it to improve their productivity and be more human in their jobs, and that is sorely needed in the advertising field. Ultimately I look forward to AI helping us all as marketers to spend more time strategizing on new ways to connect with audiences on a human level rather than stuck in operational nightmares.

I’m least optimistic about “unhinged content.” In this era of media polarization, this trend tempts brands to be more extreme to appeal to younger audiences. While the pressure to remain relevant and trendy is very real for brands, in this digital age, brands need to be exceptionally thoughtful as to what they put out online. It takes years to build a reputation and seconds to destroy it, so be mindful as to how your brand will be perceived and if your content is serving your overall goal. Despite what many brands believe, they don't need to be a part of every conversation.

What’s one marketing-related podcast/social account/series you’d recommend? Finite’s B2B Marketing Podcast is a must-listen. B2B has a notorious reputation for rather boring content that often falls short in terms of interest and engagement compared to its B2C counterparts, but this podcast keeps it focused, engaging, thoughtful, and always leaves me with a new practical lesson that I can apply instantly.

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