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Coworking with Jake Glaser

He’s head of sales at WorkReduce.
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Jake Glaser

less than 3 min read

Each week, we spotlight Marketing Brew readers in our Coworking series. If you’d like to be featured, introduce yourself here.

Jake Glaser is head of sales at WorkReduce, a company that provides marketing staff to agencies and brands.

What’s your favorite ad campaign? Wieden+Kennedy’s Honda “Cog” commercial from 2003. They disassembled a Honda Accord and turned it into a Rube Goldberg machine, utilizing a chain of colliding parts. All before modern AI technology even existed. I still watch with amazement and have my boys asking to see it regularly. W+K even topped it off with “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang.

One thing we can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile? I spent a full month in the Soviet Union in a youth exchange program when I was very young. Seeing and experiencing multiple cultures from the inside (not as a tourist) is life-changing.

What marketing trend are you most optimistic about? Least? Our ability to utilize customization (through AI or other tech) to accurately deliver targeted messaging to the right individuals. We have representation from six to seven different generations and each one prefers different communication methods and styles. Why rely upon a single broad-stroke method?

Least optimistic, is it the year of mobile… again?

What’s one marketing-related podcast, social account, or series you’d recommend? I’m a big consumer of daily information newsletters. My favorite right now is Numlock News by Walter Hickey. Short and sweet paragraph-long updates on timely news topics of the day. I tend to hear it first through Numlock, then get full updates through traditional sources.

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